Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Hello Family,

This week we did a TON of service. We ended up raking a older single ladies yard for like 4 hours, sooo many leaves. Then we also helped out a former investigator who we found. She is from Australia, and her husband is Finnish. There super nice and we helped them out and there house.  We just did a lot of yard work.  So finns have this thing called Sisu here. There really is no equivelant for it in english.  But basically it means they can do everything by themselves so service is sooooo hard to get here, so we finally got some.  Our investigator toni is doing very well, he came to church this week, and we had a great lesson with him. I also said a talk in church this week which went very well.  Other then that it has been a lot of traveling, probably about 9 hours total on a bus just because of the long travel distances here. But all is going well.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

10/11/16: Travel, Travel

Well this week I went through 26 hours of travel. I love Kajaani, but one down side of it, it has the longest travel in the mission because it is so far away from everyone. Twice this week I had to wake up at 430, to catch a 540 bus to Oulu, and then I took a 7 hour train ride down to Helsinki because there was a leadership meeting this week. So it was a TON of travel, we hardly got to do any work in our area.  We have been really focusing on following up with everyone in the area book, and this week I sat down with the 1st councelor and went over everyone in the branch and were going to do our best to get in contact in some shape or form with Less actives and also the active branch members. But this week were back so we have a full week of work which is great!  

Sorry I dont have any pictures because my screen camera broke, so I thought I was getting some pictures but I dont have any -,,-.  But yea, Ill get some next week. Have an amazing week!

Elder Ford

10/4/16: 2 Baptismal Dates

Hey fam/friends

So this week has been really productive and great. We were able to have the most member present lessons this area has had in several years, and we were able to set 2 baptisimal dates. One is with our investigator Toni, he came to general conference for a session and he has been progressing really well! Another is with an investigator named Veli Veijola. Both are for at the end of this month so hopefully all goes well there. General conference was spot on! I just realized it is going to be my last general conference as a missionary! How time goes by so fast.  Probably my favorite talk had to be President Neilsons talk about Joy. He was spot on about how we can mask and try to live in the world with many other things, but we can never experience joy unless we are following christ.  
We have also been following up on a ton of formers from the area book so we have been biking around doing that. Other then that we got a couple of lessons set up yesterday while tracting so hopefully well be able to have some new investigators. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

Elder Ford

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9/27/16: Kajaani

Well its my first week in Kajaani. I received a free bike in my last city( I have never needed to buy a bike my whole mission) because this is a biking city. Anyway the bike I received for free was built by another missionary, and yea.... it was a piece of junk. But I found a new bike for 40 euros from some really kind old man who just fixes up bikes and sells them to people, and also helps out the refugees here a lot!

oh yea, my new companion is Elder Naylor. He is a really cool guy from Utah, we get along great.

But since I have come here, we have found some new investigators. Ones man name is Toni, he is a finn here. Very nice guy and he came to church last week. So there was about 15 people in church last week. I had to translate for another one of our investigators, it was pretty hard because the speakers were reading there talks from the paper. Its so weird to translate because you split your brain in half, one side english, the other finnish.  We also tracted into a lady, her name is Charity. We taught her yesterday it went great. There is a member who lives here from Arizona, he is married to a finn, he is a really cool guy and he came and helped us out. 

But other then that it has been a solid week!!! 

Hope everyone has a great week!!! 

Elder Ford.

9/6/16: The fall be coming

Wow, so I realized that there is only 2 weeks left of this transfer. In case you forgot the transfers are 9 weeks instead of 6, but this one has gone insanely fast.  To be honest I hardly remember what happened this past week. I guess one thing that sticks out was we tracted into this man, his name is Eric. He is a wonderful christian guy and he agreed to have us come back. We came back and taught him the restoration and I have never seen a guy that it made so much sense to.  It was insane how well he understood it. During part of the lesson he even stopped us and said, so your telling me that God appeared to Joseph Smith in the woods? And to be honest I was getting ready to defend/bear pure testimony because every other time someone has said that to me it meant that they couldnt believe it. But then he said, that makes 100% sense because god follows that same pattern in the bible so why not today. He said before we came back that first time he had prayed to God and asked if we should come back and his answer was Yes, let these young men come back. He can recognize the holy ghost incredibly well.  

Other then that, I can hardly remember what happened haha..  We got to take care of our recent converts cats which was nice, because over my mission I have been having cat withdrawals because I miss them so much. However his cats don't really let us pet them that much. We also found a cat on the street yesterday that let us pet him and he does the same jump thing that chester did. The weird thing its really rare to see animals on the street here in Finland because its illegal here in finland to leave cats or dogs outside because obviously they will freeze to death, so I have seen like 3 dogs and cats in my time here in Finland that didn't have there owner standing right next to them.  

Other then that, after this I am going to a restaurant with some members in the ward and doing a hot sauce food challenge! Basically if you finish off the platter of food, you get it for free, if not its 18 euros. wish me luck!!!! 

Elder Ford

The castle picture is from a town next to the one I am serving in right now. A town called hämeenlinna.

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